Thank you for your interest in working the PRFC Max Shacknai
Games will be February 2025
Please fill out Referee Availability Form if you are interested in working.
Hotel Request for out of area Referees
Out of State Referees wishing to work MSI
Games will begin Thursday Evening
Games will be played at the following fields
U14 and younger -AAG - Arizona Athletic Grounds- Mesa
U15 and older - Reach 11 Sports Complex
Referee Fees-
Paid through
Age Center AR Halves in minutes
U7-U8 $30 4x10
U9-U10 $35 25
U11-12 $40 $25 30
U13-14 $45 $30 35
U15-16 $60 $40 40
U17-19 $70 $45 40
ALL Referees must be USSF Certified for the current year and in good standings.
Rules of Competition